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Profile inecraft_player 대표칭호 없음

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서버에 핵쟁이가~~~~~~~ <TwincraftRussia>가 핵썻음!!!!!

2020.01.18 조회 수 69 추천 수 0

강제종료 핵과 스피드핵을 사용한 것 같다.......

핵쟁이는 박멸해야.........



[13:10:27] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> 잠깐 건들었더니 터쳐삐네

[13:10:43] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <inecraft_player> 러시아님 뭐했음?

[13:10:47] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <llxxxxxIll> 핵쓰는중임

[13:10:50] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> 관리도안하는서버 왜하냐

[13:11:02] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <tomxxxxx701> ㄹㅇ 이래서 어드민이 잠깐 자리비우면 일케됌

[13:11:06] [Server thread/INFO]: kanxxxxxile hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape TwincraftRussia

[13:11:12] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> ㅋㅋ곤두박질

[13:11:17] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <tomado0701> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[13:11:18] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <inecraft_player> 로씨아

[13:11:23] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> Strat !

[13:11:25] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <kanxxxxxle> 제도 죽이작아요님

[13:11:27] [Server thread/INFO]: tomado0701 fell from a high place

[13:11:27] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <keumxxxxxg> 슬라임님

[13:11:28] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player issued server command: /clear TwincraftRussia

[13:11:28] [Server thread/INFO]: [inecraft_player: Removed 209 items from player TwincraftRussia]

[13:11:32] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <keuxxxxx> 38살이에요?

[13:11:38] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <tomado0701> ㅇㅇ 니같은 무개념은 걍 쳐맞는게 답임

[13:11:40] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> Strat !

[13:11:41] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <kaxxxxxile> 네38살아싸요ㅠㅠ

[13:11:48] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <kxxxxxng> 38살이면 38살 답게 굴어요

[13:11:57] [Server thread/INFO]: xxxxxn08 has made the advancement [Suit Up]

[13:11:57] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player issued server command: /gamemode adventure wonxxxxx8

[13:11:57] [Server thread/INFO]: [inecraft_player: Set wonxxxxx8's game mode to Adventure Mode]

[13:11:58] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <kexxxxang> 저도 학생이지만 그건 아님

[13:12:07] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <llxxxll> 스피드핵인가 저건

[13:12:13] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> Real Start

[13:12:13] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player issued server command: /gamemode survival wxxxxx08

[13:12:13] [Server thread/INFO]: [inecraft_player: Set wonbin08's game mode to Survival Mode]

[13:12:14] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <kanxxxxile> 님은학생이면서 왜끼어들어요?

[13:12:14] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> 3

[13:12:15] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> 2

[13:12:16] Async Chat Thread - #23/INFO: <TwincraftRussia> 1

[13:12:22] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player issued server command: /gamemode adventure TwincraftRussia

[13:12:22] [Server thread/INFO]: [inecraft_player: Set TwincraftRussia's game mode to Adventure Mode]

[13:12:36] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player has made the advancement [Take Aim]

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: TwincraftRussia lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: TwincraftRussia left the game

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: llSxxll lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: llSxxIll left the game

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: kaxxxxxile lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: kaxxxxile left the game

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: tomado0701 lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: tomado0701 left the game

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: woxxxn08 lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:37] [Server thread/INFO]: wonbin08 left the game

[13:12:38] [Server thread/INFO]: kexxxkang lost connection: Disconnected

[13:12:38] [Server thread/INFO]: kexxxkang left the game

[13:12:58] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player issued server command: /banlist

[13:13:48] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player lost connection: Disconnected

[13:13:48] [Server thread/INFO]: inecraft_player left the game

[13:14:15] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@98b394c[id=<null>,name=inecraft_player,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Disconnected





A user named "TwincraftRussia" used nukes inside the server to expel all users and inspect the server. And also,

TwincraftRussia didn't just use nuclear weapons, he swore at someone else.

The building was destroyed.



"TwincraftRussia" 의 아이피= f4b7ae04-17c1-43f2-afe7-9b332e7afb85

3개의 댓글


https://www.koreaminecraft.net/index.php?mid=bmlist&act=dispBoardWrite 에 비매너 유저로 등록하시면 되고요

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궁금한게 있는데 서버 로그는 어떻게 보는건가요.?

버킷 복사 붙혀넣기 해야되나요?


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