wincho_ 8ff851e059fb4dd59be0b55d44f8149f
제가 작성한 겁니다 XD
1.16 5번째 스넵숏이 나왔습니다 :D
20w10a의 추가사항
- 진홍빛 균사, 기괴한 균사가 추가(Added crimson and warped hyphae – all-sided "stem" blocks including stripped variations)
- 대장장이 작업대에서 다이아몬드 도구를 네더라이트 도구로 업그레이드 할수 있음(Use a smithing table to fuse the Netherite ingot with your diamond weapon/tool/armor)
+ GUI는 X쓰래기(
20w10a의 변경사항
- 물고기는이제 플레이어에서 64블록 떨어지멱 소멸함(Fish now despawn when further than 64 blocks away from the closest player)
- 괭이에 채굴속도가 달라졌고, 마법부여가 가능해짐(Hoes are now more like other tools used to break blocks)
- 네더라이트 아이템의 텍스쳐가 변경됨(Updated the Netherite item textures)
+ 구버전텍스쳐() | 신버전텍스쳐(
- 피글린 거래품목 변경(자세한점은 마지막에 다룹니다 | Bartering loot has been tweaked once again to bring back Soul Sand, make Netherite Hoes less common, and remove/add items to better fit survival players)
괭이의 변경사항
네더에서 유용하도록 괭이를 약간 변경(We've made some changes to Hoes to make them more useful in the Nether.)
- 괭이마다 블록을 캐는 속도가 달라짐(Each tier has different speed at which Hoes mine blocks they are effective against)
- 괭이는 효율, 행운, 섬새한손길을 바를수 있고, 효과를 받음(Hoes can now be enchanted with the following enchantments: Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch)
- 해당 인첸트트 인챈트테이블을 이용해서 인챈트 할수 있음(Those enchantments can now be provided through the enchanting table.)
피글린 거래
1 - minecraft:netherite_hoe
1 - minecraft:potion(minecraft:fire_resistance)
1 - minecraft:splash_potion(minecraft:fire_resistance)
9~36 - minecraft:iron_nugget
8~16 - minecraft:quartz
5~12 - minecraft:glowstone_dust
2~6 - minecraft:magma_cream
4~8 - minecraft:ender_pearl
8~24 - minecraft:string
1~5 - minecraft:fire_charge
8~16 - minecraft:gravel
4~10 - minecraft:leather
4~16 - minecraft:obsidian
1~3 - minecraft:crying_obsidian
4~16 - minecraft:soul_sand
20w10a의 기술 변화(개발을 안하시면 넘어가셔도 됩니다.)
- 화살이나 눈덩이 같은 발사체 소유자의 UUID는 이제 4개의 정수 배열로 저장됨. 향후 모든 UUID가 이 형식으로 저장됨(UUIDs of the owners of projectiles, such as arrows or snowballs, are now stored as an array of four integers. All UUIDs will be stored in this format in the future)
- 아이템 액자의 새로운 NBT(후.. 빡친다..)
- Invisible - 아이템 액자의 액자부분을 투명하게함(안에 박힌 아이템은 표시됨) (Invisible - makes item frame invisible (item inside frame remains visible))
- Fixed - 아이템액자가 부숴지거나, 내부 아이템을 제거하지 못하게 함(Fixed - prevents item frame from being broken and the item inside from being removed)
- 새로운 발전과제 클리어 유형
- signal_strength - matches the signal strength output from the block on hit(적중시 블록에서 출력되는 신호 강도와 일치)
- projectile - matches the projectile entity(발사체와 일치)
- shooter - matches the player who shot or threw the projectile(발사체를 쏘거나 던진 플레이어와 일치)
버그 해결
MC-130906 - Dolphins are moving very fast when near a boat
MC-131046 - Angry dolphins give players dolphin’s grace
MC-146824 - Inconsistency: Ladders and tripwire hooks cannot be placed on the sides of redstone blocks, observers and target blocks
MC-147496 - Dolphin tries to catch the boat of the non-player ride
MC-152441 - Corner quartz stairs (not corner smooth quartz stairs) do not have the border on the back/bottom that a normal quartz stair would have
MC-165518 - Village houses desert_temple_1 and plains_temple_4 have no floor at entrance
MC-169533 - Asymmetrical walls in snowy_cartographer_house_1
MC-169715 - Misrotated block in snowy_small_house_3
MC-169869 - Mooshroom using incorrect texture in Programmer Art
MC-170242 - Asymmetrical walls in taiga_medium_house_4
MC-170470 - At snowy_library_1, the snow block is placed next to the window, which causes ugly visual effect
MC-170819 - Netherite sword and boots textures have transparent pixels
MC-170829 - When dropping netherite tools and armor into lava, it sounds as if they are burning
MC-170897 - Fossils in soulsand valleys can be generated in the air
MC-171367 - Warped Fungi item does not match block texture
MC-171447 - Crimson root item form has inconsistent texture
MC-172077 - Piglins with NoAI shake in the overworld
MC-172082 - Piglins do not serialize their conversion time
MC-172242 - Left handed piglins don’t look at gold ingots in their right hand
MC-172567 - Wither skeletons don’t automaticly attack piglins
MC-173021 - Unuseful warning is logged when server receives incorrect vehicle movement packets
MC-173090 - Attacking baby piglins don’t anger any adult piglins
MC-173165 - Piglin Bartering Loot Table contains an extra “set_count” function
MC-173168 - The word “backup” appears instead of the phrase “back up.”
MC-173169 - Piglins still aren’t attracted to powered rails
MC-173176 - Serialization error affecting operators list and whitelist
MC-173244 - Target block moved by pistons permanently keep their signal strength
2020.03.05영문까지 쓰니까 정신이 없네여
다음엔 더 잘 써볼께욧
2020.03.05내이메일은 choiop0825....
어쨋든 choco를바꾼...
2020.03.05cho 가 choco에서땐거에요!
한발 늦었군요 !
2020.03.05흠.. 저 옆집(?) 번역문 참고했어요 XD
2020.03.05ㅋㅋ헉 ㅋㅋㅋ
2020.03.05귀찮다면서 결국은 하셨군욬ㅋㅋㅋ