주의! 좋지 않은 표현이 다수 포함되어 있습니다
death.fell.accident.ladder=%1$s fell off a ladder
death.fell.accident.vines=%1$s fell off some vines
death.fell.accident.water=%1$는 수영을 못합니다
death.fell.accident.generic=%1$s SPEAKAED! 그러니까 자살좀 작작 하라고 한국이 자살률 1위야!
death.fell.killer=%1$s was doomed to fall
death.fell.assist=%1$s was doomed to fall by %2$s
death.fell.assist.item=%1$s was doomed to fall by %2$s using %3$s
death.fell.finish=%1$가 %2$s로 인해 SPEAKA가 되었습니다. 명복을 빌어줍시다
death.fell.finish.item=%1$가 %2$s 를 이용한 %3$s로 인해 SPEAKA가 되었습니다
death.attack.lightningBolt=%1$s was struck by lightning
death.attack.inFire=%1$s SPEAKAED!
death.attack.inFire.player=%1$s walked into fire whilst fighting %2$s
death.attack.onFire=%1$s 의 오장육부가 타들어가 가렸습니다
death.attack.onFire.player=%1$s was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting %2$s
death.attack.lava=%1$가 용암으로 인해 증발해버렸습니다
death.attack.lava.player=%1$가 임포스터인게 들통나 %2$s의 투표로 인해 용암으로 던져졌습니다
death.attack.inWall=%1$가 모래에 깔려서 해드를 빼았겼습니다 샷건치겟네요
death.attack.drown=%1$s SPEAKAED!
death.attack.drown.player=%1$s drowned whilst trying to escape %2$s
death.attack.starve=%1$s starved to death
death.attack.cactus=%1$s was pricked to death
death.attack.cactus.player=%1$s walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape %2$s
death.attack.generic=%1$이가 돌연사하였습니다
death.attack.explosion=%1$s blew up
death.attack.explosion.player=%1$가 %2$s로 인해 폭발해서 샌즈가 되었습니다 끔찍한 시간을 보내고 싶니?
death.attack.magic=%1$'s ellend!
death.attack.wither=%1$s withered away
death.attack.anvil=%1$의 튼튼한 3뚝이 모루로 인해 부셔져 뇌가 들어났습니다
death.attack.fallingBlock=%1$s was squashed by a falling block
death.attack.mob=%1$이 %2$s에게 사지절단당하였습니다
death.attack.player=%1$가 %2$에게 능지처참 당했습니다
death.attack.player.item=%1$이 %3$를 사용한 %2$에게 죽었습니다
death.attack.arrow=%1$가 %2$에게 헤드샷으로 처치되었습니다. 그럴수 있어. 그런 날도 있는 거지 뭐
death.attack.arrow.item=%1$가 %2$라는 더블베럴을 사용한 %3$에게 머리가 산산조작나였습니다. 그 게임의 주인공 처럼요
death.attack.fireball=%1$s was fireballed by %2$s
death.attack.fireball.item=%1$s was fireballed by %2$s using %3$s
death.attack.thrown=%1$s was pummeled by %2$s
death.attack.thrown.item=%1$s was pummeled by %2$s using %3$s
death.attack.indirectMagic=%1$s was killed by %2$s using magic
death.attack.indirectMagic.item=%1$s SPEAKAED by %2$s using %3$s
death.attack.thorns=%1$가 %2$를 갈기갈지 찢어서 죽이려다 도리어 자신의 머리가 찢기는 것을 보았습니다
death.attack.fall=%1$s SPEAKAED!
death.attack.outOfWorld=%1$s SPEAKAED!
2020.08.25조금 수위가....
2020.08.26수위가 좀... 이건 '좀 자극적인'이라기에는 심한데요.
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