I3396 83afcc84f84f44ed811e268863d53eb3
어.. 좀 늦었네요...
사실 좀 커뮤니티 관리로 바빠서
+ 늘봄님의 주문제작 (?) 때문에 일이 생겨서!!!
그래서 뮤직봇 작업을 못했습니다.
그럼 바로 작업을 시작 해보 도록 하겠 습니 다 ?!
discord command play <text>:
>prefixes: /
>executable in: guild
>>join voice channel of event-member
>>play arg-1
>>reply with ":arrow_forward: Now playing %arg 1%"
discord command pause:
>prefixes: /
>executable in: guild
>>pause the track event-bot is playing
>>reply with ":pause_button: Paused!"
discord command resume:
>prefixes: /
>executable in: guild
>>resume the track event-bot is playing
>>reply with ":arrow_forward: Resumed!"
discord command stop:
>prefixes: /
>executable in: guild
>>stop the track event-bot is playing
>>make event-bot leave voice
>>reply with ":stop_button: Stopped!"
discord command info:
>prefixes: /
>executable in: guild
>>if event-bot is playing:
>>>make embed:
>>>>set title of embed to title with text ":arrow_forward: %discord name of track event-bot is playing%" and link "%url of track event-bot is playing%"
>>>>set the colour of the embed to Cyan
>>>>add field named "Time remaining" with value "%difference between position of track event-bot is playing and duration of track event-bot is playing%" to embed
>>>>add field named "Author" with value "%authors of track event-bot is playing%" to embed
>>>make embed:
>>>>set title of embed to title with text ":stop_button: No track playing"
>>reply with last created embed
솔직히 양심 없지만
여러분의 활동을 늘리기 위해서!!
주석 안답니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어짜피 전에 글 다 올려서 대충 이해는
하실걸로 생각합니다!!
그러니까 주석이 없구요.
만약 이해 안되는거 있으면 질문 바랍니다!
질문하는 방법은 질문게시판에서 글 작성
또는 저희 커뮤니티 디스코드방(공지에 링크 있음)에서
질문 바랍니다.
https://discord.gg/2gxSqWu - 마인크래프트 개발자 디스코드
댓글이 없습니다.
새로운 댓글을 등록해 주세요!