I3396 83afcc84f84f44ed811e268863d53eb3
안녕하세요 DC입니다.
더이상 할건 없나보네요 ㅎㅎ;
24번을 마지막으로 "디스코드 연동강좌" 는 막을 내립니다.
간단하게 노래봇 배포라고 보시면 되요!
discord command ./play [<text>]:
>bots: {@name}
>executable in: guild
>>delete event-message with event-bot
>>if voice channel of event-member is not set:
>>>reply with "고객님은 통화방에 들어가 있으셔야 해요!"
>>search youtube for arg-1 and store the results in {results::*} # 노래 재생 - {results::*} 가 결과 ( ::1이 결과의 1번 .. )
>>if {results::1} is not set:
>>>reply with "%arg-1%를 검색하였으나, 아무 결과가 나오지 않았습니다 :("
>>if {track::*} is not set:
>>>join voice channel of event-member
>>>wait 1.5 seconds
>>>play {results::1}
>>>reply with "%{results::1}%를 재생합니다."
>>>set {nowmusic::1} to {results::1}
>>>set {nowmusic::2} to arg-1
>>>add "%{results::1}%DCISGREAT%arg-1%" to {track::*}
>>>create embed:
>>>>set the title of embed to title with text "현재 음악 목록"
>>>>set the colour of the embed to GOLD
>>>>loop {track::*}:
>>>>>add 1 to {count}
>>>>>set {ttrack::*} to {track::%{count}%} split at "DCISGREAT"
>>>>>add split field named "%{count}%" with value "**[ %{ttrack::2}% ]**%nl%``%{ttrack::1}%``" to embed
>>>>>add split field named " " with value " " to embed
>>>>>add split field named " " with value " " to embed
>>>>>send "콘솔" to console
>>>>delete {ttrack::*}
>>>>delete {count}
>>>>reply with last created embed
>>>add "%{results::1}%DCISGREAT%arg-1%" to {track::*}
>>>create embed:
>>>>set the title of embed to title with text "현재 음악 목록"
>>>>set the colour of the embed to GOLD
>>>>loop {track::*}:
>>>>>add 1 to {count}
>>>>>set {ttrack::*} to {track::%{count}%} split at "DCISGREAT"
>>>>>add split field named "%{count}%" with value "**[ %{ttrack::2}% ]**%nl%``%{ttrack::1}%``" to embed
>>>>>add split field named " " with value " " to embed
>>>>>add split field named " " with value " " to embed
>>>>>send "d%{count}%" to console
>>>>>send {ttrack::2} to console
>>>>reply with last created embed
>>>>delete {count}
>>>>delete {ttrack::*}
on track end seen by "{@name}":
>remove "%{nowmusic::1}%DCISGREAT%{nowmusic::2}%" from {track::*}
>if {track::*} is set:
>>loop {track::*}:
>>>add 1 to {count}
>>>set {ttrack::*} to loop-value split at "DCISGREAT"
>>>stop the track event-bot is playing
>>>search youtube for {ttrack::1} and store the results in {rresults::*}
>>>play {rresults::1}
>>>set {nowmusic::1} to {ttrack::1}
>>>set {nowmusic::2} to {ttrack::2}
>>>delete {count}
>>>delete {ttrack::*}
>>>delete {rresults::*}
>>make event-bot leave vc
>>delete {count}
>>delete {ttrack::*}
>>delete {rresults::*}
>>delete {nowmusic::*}
지금까지 디스코드 연동강좌를 사랑해주신 모든 분께 진심으로 감사드립니다.
https://discord.gg/2gxSqWu - 마인크래프트 개발자 디스코드
2020.02.25지금까지 좋은 강좌 감사했습니다!!