대표칭호 없음
I3396 83afcc84f84f44ed811e268863d53eb3
할거 찾다가 제가 채널 강좌를 안한것같아서
강좌를 해보겠습니다.
Discord command !티켓:
>>create text channel:
>>>set name of the channel to "%discord nickname of event-uesr%-%random integer between 1000 and 9999%"
>>>set the parent of the channel in event-guild to category named "카테고리네임"
>>>create channel in event-guild and store it in {_channel}
>>>>wait 15 ticks
>>>allow event-user permissions (message history, view channel, message read, message write, message embed links and message attach files) in {_channel} with {@name}
>>>deny public role permission view channel in {_channel}
와 정말 멋진 디스코드 티켓봇이 완성되였어요.
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질문은 댓글ㄹ로!
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