대표칭호 없음
useop0311 323a8351243a4d18b2ef901bd3a893ee
제가 메뉴 스크립트를 만들려고 만두민님 강좌(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6q7fAeGCto&t=238s )를 봐서 이렇게 해보았는데요....
command /메뉴:
@@open chest with 6 rows named "&e서버메뉴" to player
@@format slot 13 of player with compass named "&6스폰" with lore "&7클릭시" and "&7스폰으로 이동합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/spawn"]
이렇게 적고 확인해 보니
[16:01:32 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 13 of player with compass named "&6스폰" with lore "&7클릭시" and "&7스폰으로 이동합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/spawn"] (메뉴.sk, line 4: format slot 13 of player with compass named "&6스폰" with lore "&7클릭시" and "&7스폰으로 이동합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/spawn"]')
이렇게 뜨더라고요.
도와주실분을 찾습니다 ㅠㅠ
+ 사용중인 플긴+애드온
2020.03.08에드온 적용 하셨나요??
2020.03.08네 거의다 적용했어요(사진참고)
2020.03.08set slot 13 of current inventory of player to compass named "&6스폰" with lore "&7클릭시" and "&7스폰으로 이동합니다"
이렇게 하시고 클릭할 때 실행되는 명령어는 on inventory click:를 이용하여 작성해보세요!
2020.03.08네 한번 해볼께요