대표칭호 없음
command /opmenu: trigger: open chest with 5 row named "OP MENU" to player format slot 20 of player with light gray glass named "스크립트 리로드" with lore "스크립트를 리로드 합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/sk reload all"]
잘못된게 멀까요?
[17:36:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: open chest with 5 row named "OP MENU" to player (opmenu.sk, line 3: open chest with 5 row named "OP MENU" to player') [17:36:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: format slot 20 of player with light gray glass named "스크립트 리로드" with lore "스크립트를 리로드 합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/sk reload all"] (opmenu.sk, line 4: format slot 20 of player with light gray glass named "스크립트 리로드" with lore "스크립트를 리로드 합니다" to close then run [execute op command "/sk reload all"]')
2020.04.30open chest 구문은 아마 애드온 문제인것같습니다.
2021.11.06open chest with를 open chest inventory with로 바꿔보세요