#Example 1
set player's default nametag to "bob" #All players now see the nametag as bob
set player's nametag to "potter" for {_p1} #{_p1} now sees the nametag as potter
set player's default nametag to "weird" #All players except for {_p1} now see the nametag as weird
set player's nametag to "nonweird" #All players (including {_p1}) now see the nametag as nonweird
#Example 2
set player's default nametag to "diamond" #All players now see the nametag as diamond
set player's nametag to "emerald" for {_p1} #{_p1} now sees the nametag as emerald
reset player's default nametag #All players except for {_p1} now see the nametag as the player's actual name
set player's default nametag to "gold" #All players except for {_p1} now see the nametag as gold
reset player's nametag for {_p1} #{_p1} now sees the nametag as gold
set player's default nametag to "iron" for {_p1} #{_p1} now sees the nametag as iron
reset player's nametag #All players (including {_p1}) now see the nametag as the player's actual name
2020.08.231.12 버전이면 [MundoSK]애드온의 [Nametag of Player]익스프레션으로 바꿀수 있습니다.