super_Vegite 0d1cdc044d7342d695f2f283caf86ad8
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money (, line 604: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money (, line 620: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_1개가격} to player's money (, line 648: add {_1개가격} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_1개가격} to player's money (, line 659: add {_1개가격} to player's money')
can't understand this condition: 'player's money >= {상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%}' (, line 674: if player's money >= {상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%}:')
Can't compare 'player's money' with a number (, line 695: if player's money >= ({상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} * 64):')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money (, line 729: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money (, line 744: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_1개가격} to player's money (, line 772: add {_1개가격} to player's money')
Can't understand this condition/effect: add {_1개가격} to player's money (, line 783: add {_1개가격} to player's money')
can't understand this condition: 'player's money >= {상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%}' (, line 798: if player's money >= {상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%}:')
Can't compare 'player's money' with a number (, line 818: if player's money >= ({상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} * 64):')
The percent sign is used for expressions (e.g. %player%). To insert a '%' type it twice: %%. (메뉴.sk, line 9: message "%e시계가 지급되었습니다!"')
Can't compare a click type with 'left click' (주식 (1).sk, line 179: if click type is left click:')
Can't compare a click type with 'right click' (주식 (1).sk, line 193: if click type is right click:')
라고 오류 로그가 뜨면서 구매/판매가 안되네요;; 애드온이 필요한걸까요??
2020.09.191. Can't understand this condition/effect: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money (, line 604: add {상점아이템판매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money')
뒷부분 {상점아이템칸.%player%}%} to player's money 에 여는괄호는 1개인데 닫는괄호는 2개입니다. 뒤에 괄호 지워주세요
2. Can't compare 'player's money' with a number (, line 818: if player's money >= ({상점아이템구매가격.%{상점코드.%{_N}%}%::%{상점아이템칸.%player%}%} * 64):')
에센셜 플러그인과 호환시켜주는 vault플러그인이 적용되어있는지 확인해주세요
3. The percent sign is used for expressions (e.g. %player%). To insert a '%' type it twice: %%. (메뉴.sk, line 9: message "%e시계가 지급되었습니다!"')
&인데 %로 오타가 나신 것 같네요
4. Can't compare a click type with 'left click' (주식 (1).sk, line 179: if click type is left click:')
if "%click type%" contains "LEFT": 로 다시 해주세요
2020.09.20아.. 이미 이 스크립트에서 손을 놓은지라.. 그래도 좋은 답변 감사드립니다 ~:D