대표칭호 없음
이해도 | 1.12 |
게임버전 (JE) | 스피곳 |
스크립트 애드온 | 2.4 beta 5 |
스크립트 2.4 beta 5 버전 사용중인데..
스크트를 실행 시키면
Can't compare a damage cause with a types.art (death.sk, line 7: if damage cause is not void:')
Can't compare a damage cause with a types.art (death.sk, line 27: if damage cause is not void:')
이렇게 오류가 나네요.. 어떻게 해야 할까요..?
options: 기절소생후피: 20 기절소생범위: 2 on damage: if victim is player: if damage cause is not void: if health of victim - damage <= 0: cancel event set victim's health to 0.5 if {death.list::*} contains victim: stop else: play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to victim send title "&c기절함" to victim for 3 seconds broadcast "&c%victim%님이 기절하셨습니다." apply slowness 10 without any particles to {death.list::*} for 1 seconds apply jump boost 200 without any particles to {death.list::*} for 1 seconds add victim to {death.list::*} wait 10 seconds if {death.list::*} contains victim: remove victim from {death.list::*} set victim's health to 0 on damage: if damage cause is not void: if {death.list::*} contains victim: cancel event every 1 seconds: apply slowness 6 without any particles to {death.list::*} for 1 seconds apply jump boost 200 without any particles to {death.list::*} for 1 seconds on break: if {death.list::*} contains player: cancel event on sneak toggle: if player is sneaking: loop all players in radius {@기절소생범위} of player: if {death.list::*} contains loop-player: if player is not loop-player: message "&e%loop-player% &e되살리는중." message "&e부활중." to loop-player wait 1 seconds if player is sneaking: loop all players in radius {@기절소생범위} of player: if {death.list::*} contains loop-player: if player is not loop-player: message "&e%loop-player% &e되살리는중.." message "&e부활중.." to loop-player wait 1 seconds if player is sneaking: loop all players in radius {@기절소생범위} of player: if {death.list::*} contains loop-player: if player is not loop-player: message "&e%loop-player% &e되살리는중..." message "&e부활중..." to loop-player wait 1 seconds if player is sneaking: loop all players in radius {@기절소생범위} of player: if {death.list::*} contains loop-player: if player is not loop-player: remove loop-player from {death.list::*} set health of loop-player to {@기절소생후피} broadcast "&6%player%&a님이 &6%loop-player%&a님을 되살렸습니다" on quit: if {death.list} contains player: remove player from {death.list::*} kill player broadcast "&a%player%님께서 기절상태에서 나가셔서 죽으셨습니다."
구문은 이렇습니다!
2021.02.20마인크래프트 1.12.2 버전, skript 2.5 버전에서 테스트 해봤는데 오류안뜨네요.
스크립트 버전을 올려보세요.
2021.02.212.4 beta 5 에선 고칠수 없겠죠..?ㅠㅠㅠ
2021.02.21스크립트 버전 오류라면 어떻게 할 방법이 없습니다. 버전을 바꾸든... 코드를 지우든... 둘 중 하나죠.