대표칭호 없음
HAN1110 9899e780ba984d89824a90ee8deb7cb2
이해도 | 1.17 |
게임버전 (JE) | 페이퍼 |
게임버전 (BE) | Skrayfall, SkUtilties |
스크립트 버전 | 중급자(필요한 애드온을 찾아서 만들 수 있어요) |
스크립트 애드온 | 2.6-beta2 |
command /HackFly: cooldown: 10 seconds cooldown message: {@Novoline} Cooldown Time!(1 seconds) cooldown bypass: op.op trigger: execute player command "/minecraft:tp ~ ~5 ~" execute player command "/essentials:speed fly 5" execute player command "/essentials:fly" message "{@NovolineX} Fly Bypass Enable!" apply potion of instant damage of tier 2 to player for 1 tick wait 5 seconds message "{@NovolineX} Fly Bypass Duration : 10 Seconds" message "{@NovolineX} Fly Boost &4Disable" execute player command "/essentials:flyspeed 2" wait 5 seconds message "{@NovolineX} Fly Bypass Duration : 5 Seconds" wait 5 seconds message "{@NovolineX} Fly &4Disable" execute player command "/essentials:fly" execute player command "/essentials:speed walk 1" set {Bypass.%player%} to 10 subtract 1 from {Bypass.%player%} wait 1 seconds subtract 1 from {Bypass.%player%} wait 1 seconds subtract 1 from {Bypass.%player%} every 1 seconds: loop all players: wipe loop-players sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "{@Novoline}" set score "&4No &4Slowdown &7Skript.net" in sidebar of loop-player to 20 set score "&6Speed &7Skript.net-BHop" in sidebar of loop-player to 19 set score "&eTeleport &7FreecamTP" in sidebar of loop-player to 18 set score "&aDisabler &7Skript.net" in sidebar of loop-player to 17 set score "&2Anti &2Void &7Lag &7Back" in sidebar of loop-player to 16 set score "&bAnti &bBot &7Skript.net" in sidebar of loop-player to 15 set score "&9Fly &7Damage &78.0" in sidebar of loop-player to 14 set score "&3Animations &71.7" in sidebar of loop-player to 13 set score "&1Inventory &1Manager" in sidebar of loop-player to 12 set score "" in sidebar of loop-player to 11 set score "---- Options ---" in sidebar of loop-player to 10 set score "{@War} {Bypass.%player%} seconds -" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 set score "&e&lwww.novoline.wtf" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
저기 적혀있는 www.novoline.wtf 이 링크 아니에요! 이거 아니고
set score "{@War} {Bypass.%player%} seconds -" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
얘가 오류에요
저거 옵션오류도 아니에요!
options: Novoline : &9&lNovoline&f NovolineX : &9&l[Novoline]&f War : &9&l[Waring]&f
요게 옵션이고
변수 없다고요?
on load: set {Bypass.%player%} to 0
로드 되자마자 모든 플레이어의 변수를 0 으로 해놨는데요?
분명 하늘을 날고나면 스코어보드에
--- options --- 밑에서
<숫자(10 이하)> seconds - Fly Bypass
라고 나와야하는데
그렇게 안나와요
어떻게 해야해여?
2021.08.07아 저기서 Fly Bypass 구문에 안넣은거 오류 아닙니다
2021.08.07set score "{@War} {Bypass.%player%} seconds -" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
player -> loop-player
2021.08.07이미 해결은 됬다만.....
제가 댓글을 넣어놓은 바람에
삭제를 못한거랍니다