이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.19.3 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
스크립트 버전 | 2.6.4 |
#Minimum amount of blocks farm from X cord to tp to
min.x: 9
#maximum amount of blocks farm from X cord to tp to
max.x: 609
#Minimum amount of blocks farm from Z cord to tp to
min.z: 347
#maximum amount of blocks farm from Z cord to tp to
max.z: 947
#Amount of time before the player will be allowed to use the command again
cooldown: 1 minutes
#Avoid spawning in lava, water and air
avoid: air or water block or lava block
#To add worlds it would look like
# worlds: "world" or "world_nether" or "world_the_end"
worlds: "world"
permission: randomtp.use
#No permission message
PermMsg: &4You do not have permission to use this command!
#Can not execute command in this world message
NoWorldMsg: &4You can’t use this command in this world!
#Cooldown message
SpamMsg: &4Please do not spam this command!
Command /randomtp:
description: Teleports player to random location not in water
permission: {@permission}
permission message: {@PermMsg}
aliases: /rtp, /wild, /random
if world is not {@worlds}:
message "{@NoWorldMsg}"
if difference between {cooldowns::randomtp::%player%} and now < {@cooldown}:
send "{@SpamMsg}"
set {_loc::old} to player's location
while player's location is {_loc::old}:
set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}:
set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
teleport player to {_loc::new}
if light level at player <= 2:
set block at player to ground torch
set {cooldowns::randomtp::%player%} to now
stop loop
wait 10 ticks
Can't understand this condition: 'block under loop-block is not air or water block or lava block'
[05:48:25 INFO]: Line: if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}:
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