이해도 | 입문자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.19.3 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
보스바 칸이 1분마다 줄어들게 하려면 어떤 구문이 필요할까요?
on join:
create bossbar titled "&c광물 변동까지 &a%{광물변동시간}%&f분 &f남았습니다!" and id "광물타이머" for player with progress 100 with colors blue with style segmented 10
command /광물초기화:
if player is op:
set {광물변동시간} to 30
loop all players:
create bossbar titled "&c시세 변동까지 &a%{광물변동시간}%&f분 &f남았습니다!" and id "광물타이머" for loop-players with progress 100 with colors blue with style segmented 10
broadcast "{@r} &8&l광물 &a가격이 초기화됐습니다!"
every 1 minute:
if {광물변동시간} is 0:
set {광물변동시간} to 30
broadcast "{@r} &8&l광물 &a가격이 변동되었습니다!"
loop all players:
create bossbar titled "&c시세 변동까지 &a%{광물변동시간}%&f분 &f남았습니다!" and id "광물타이머" for loop-players with progress 100 with colors blue with style segmented 10
remove 1 from {광물변동시간}
send "%{광물변동시간}%" to all players
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