During the day, if a thunderstorm is not occurring, foxes attempt to find a space with a sky light level of 14 or less and sleep. Block light has no effect on this. While it sleeps, it slowly moves its head up and down. A fox wakes if approached by a player or mob. Foxes do not flee if the player approaches while sneaking until the player gets on an adjacent block.
플레이어나 몹이 여우한테 접근하면 잠을 깬다네욘
여우가 잠을 잠 -> 아홀로틀이 움직임 -> 여우가 잠을 깸 -> 여우가 다시 잠을 자려고 시도함
2023.06.22플레이어나 몹이 여우한테 접근하면 잠을 깬다네욘
여우가 잠을 잠 -> 아홀로틀이 움직임 -> 여우가 잠을 깸 -> 여우가 다시 잠을 자려고 시도함