대표칭호 없음
duni_cr 59cfd0ad08584b85bc86b8e643b5848c
이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.20.1 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
스크립트 버전 | 2.7.0-beta3 |
every 1 seconds:
if {sub.reset.on} is true:
set {sub.reset.on} to false
loop all players:
if loop-player is in the region "jogang":
play sound "sub.j2" to loop-player
wait 7 seconds
loop all players:
if loop-player is in the region "jogang":
message "쉬는 시간" to loop-player
wait 60 seconds
loop all players:
if loop-player is in the region "jogang":
message "수업 시간" to loop-player
execute console command "textdisplay select subj12"
에서 콘솔이 "textdisplay select subj12" 을 실행하게 하였더니.
[01:49:46 INFO]: Only players can use this command!
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