You will need Modelengine and Mythicmobs to make the products work.
1. Put the components from the "Modelengine" folder to your own Modelengine plugin folder.
2. Put the components from the "MythicMobs" folder to your own MythicMobs plugin folder.
3. Put the components from the "MCPets" folder to your own MCPets plugin folder.
4. Put the components from the "resource pack (for players)" folder to your own resourcepack (Or you can just use the "resource pack (for players)" folder as it is)
2023.08.13플러그인이 필요한 팩 종류입니다!
필요 플러그인 :
Modelengine(데모 및 유료)
Mythicmobs(무료 버전 및 프리미엄 버전)
더 자세한것은 파일내에 포함 되어있을겁니다
사용하시려는 팩이 뭔지 말씀해주시면 도와드릴수 있습니다
2023.08.13마지막 사진에 있는 How to install를 참고하시면 될거 같네요
2023.08.13You will need Modelengine and Mythicmobs to make the products work.
1. Put the components from the "Modelengine" folder to your own Modelengine plugin folder.
2. Put the components from the "MythicMobs" folder to your own MythicMobs plugin folder.
3. Put the components from the "MCPets" folder to your own MCPets plugin folder.
4. Put the components from the "resource pack (for players)" folder to your own resourcepack (Or you can just use the "resource pack (for players)" folder as it is)
How to get pet food in-game:
/mcpets petFood Common_Pet_Food
/mcpets petFood Rare_Pet_Food
/mcpets petFood Epic_Pet_Food
How to install에 이렇게 적혀있어요