이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.5.2, 1.9.4 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
스크립트 버전 | 2.7.0-beta3 |
스크립트 애드온 | skript-reflect, Skent, skUtilities.v0.9.2, SkQuery-4.1.10, skRayFall+v1.9.28 |
command /주식목록:
set {_a} to 0
set {_b} to 17
open virtual chest with 3 rows named "&6주식목록" to player
while inventory name of current inventory of player is "&6주식목록":
set {_a} to 0
set {_b} to 17
loop 10 times:
if {_a} is not 4:
set slot {_a} {@s} white stained glass pane
set slot {_b} {@s} white stained glass pane
add 1 to {_a}
add 1 to {_b}
set {_c} to 10
loop {주식::목록::*}:
if {_c} < 17:
set slot {_c} {@s} loop-value named "&6%loop-index%" with lore " " and "&6[잔여주식]" and "&f▶ %{주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수}%/%{주식::목록::%loop-index%::최대갯수}%개" and " " and "&6[가격정보]" and "&e▶ 상장가 : %{주식::목록::%loop-index%::상장가}%" and "&f▶ 매매가 : %{주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}%원" and "&a▶ 상한가 : ▲%{주식::목록::%loop-index%::상한가}%원" and "&c▶ 하한가 : ▼%{주식::목록::%loop-index%::하한가}%원" and " " and "&6[변동기록]" and {주식::목록::%loop-index%::기록::*}
add 1 to {_c}
set slot 4 {@s} dark oak sign named "&6다음 변동까지 남은시간" with lore "&f%{주식::변동시간::분}%분 &f%{주식::변동시간::초}%초"
wait 1 tick
In 1.13+ you cannot get the title name of an inventory outside of an InventoryClickEvent, Only if this inventory has an InventoryHolder may it be used in this state.라고 뜨는데 해결방법이 있을까요?