silia1213 6bc52b201a014018ac68cf588869513c
이해도 | 입문자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.19.2 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
패브릭 모드들을 깔고 들어가면
Incompatible mod set!
net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException: Mod resolution encountered an incompatible mod set!
A potential solution has been determined:
- Install fabric, version 0.56.0+1.19 or later.
- Install trinkets, version 3.0.0 or later.
- Install fabric-api, version 0.76.0 or later.
- Install collective, version 6.18 or later.
- Install libz, version 1.0.0 or later.
- Install geckolib3, any version.
- Install spell_engine, version 0.9.21+1.19 or later.
- Install runes, version 0.9.8+1.19 or later.
- Install dataattributes, version 1.4.6 or later.
- Install fabric-api-base, version 0.1.2 or later.
- Install origins, version 1.0.0 or later.
- Install autotag-convention, any version.
- Install forgeconfigapiport, any version.
- Install supermartijn642corelib, any version between 1.1.0 (inclusive) and 1.2.0 (exclusive).
- Install supermartijn642configlib, version 1.1.0 or later.
- Replace mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config) 7.0.65 with mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), version 8.0.75 or later.
- Replace mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config) 7.0.65 with version 8.0.0 or later.
Unmet dependency listing:
- Mod 'Additional Additions' (additionaladditions) 5.0.2 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'AppleSkin' (appleskin) 2.4.1+mc1.19 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Artifacts' (artifacts) 7.1.1+fabric requires version 0.39.0 or later of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Artifacts' (artifacts) 7.1.1+fabric requires version 3.0.0 or later of trinkets, which is missing!
- Mod 'ExpandAbility' (expandability) 6.0.0 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Cardinal Components API (base)' (cardinal-components-base) 5.0.2 requires version 0.1.2 or later of fabric-api-base, which is missing!
- Mod 'Cardinal Components API (entities)' (cardinal-components-entity) 5.0.2 requires any version of fabric-api-base, which is missing!
- Mod 'Step Height Entity Attribute' (step-height-entity-attribute) 1.0.0 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Enhanced Movement' (enhancedmovement) 1.0.4 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Fabridash' (fabridash) 1.0.0 requires any version of fabric-api, which is missing!
- Mod 'Farmer's Delight' (farmersdelight) 1.19.2-1.3.7 requires version 0.56.0+1.19 or later of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Full Brightness Toggle' (fullbrightnesstoggle) 3.0 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Full Brightness Toggle' (fullbrightnesstoggle) 3.0 requires version 6.18 or later of collective, which is missing!
- Mod 'JobsAddon' (jobsaddon) 1.1.1 requires version 0.73.2+1.19.2 or later of fabric-api, which is missing!
- Mod 'JobsAddon' (jobsaddon) 1.1.1 requires version 8.0.75 or later of mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), but only the wrong version is present: 7.0.65!
- Mod 'LevelZ' (levelz) 1.4.9 requires version 0.73.2+1.19.2 or later of fabric-api, which is missing!
- Mod 'LevelZ' (levelz) 1.4.9 requires version 8.0.75 or later of mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), but only the wrong version is present: 7.0.65!
- Mod 'LevelZ' (levelz) 1.4.9 requires version 1.0.0 or later of libz, which is missing!
- Mod 'Paladins & Priests' (paladins) 0.9.6+1.19.2 requires any version of geckolib3, which is missing!
- Mod 'Paladins & Priests' (paladins) 0.9.6+1.19.2 requires version 0.9.21+1.19 or later of spell_engine, which is missing!
- Mod 'Paladins & Priests' (paladins) 0.9.6+1.19.2 requires version 0.9.7+1.19 or later of runes, which is missing!
- Mod 'PlayerEx' (playerex) 3.5.4+1.19.2 requires version 0.76.0 or later of fabric-api, which is missing!
- Mod 'PlayerEx' (playerex) 3.5.4+1.19.2 requires version 1.4.6 or later of dataattributes, which is missing!
- Mod 'PlayerEx' (playerex) 3.5.4+1.19.2 requires version 8.0.0 or later of mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), but only the wrong version is present: 7.0.65!
- Mod 'Pufferfish's Skills' (puffish_skills) 0.4.0 requires any version of fabric-api, which is missing!
- Mod 'My Pack' (rpg_origins) 1.3.2 requires any version of fabric-api-base, which is missing!
- Mod 'My Pack' (rpg_origins) 1.3.2 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'My Pack' (rpg_origins) 1.3.2 requires version 1.0.0 or later of origins, which is missing!
- Mod 'Spellbound Weapons' (splatus_spellbound_weapons) 3.4.1 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Tiered' (tiered) 1.2.2 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Tiered' (tiered) 1.2.2 requires version 8.0.75 or later of mod 'Cloth Config v6' (cloth-config), but only the wrong version is present: 7.0.65!
- Mod 'Tiered' (tiered) 1.2.2 requires any version of autotag-convention, which is missing!
- Mod 'UnionLib' (unionlib) 1.19.2- requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'UnionLib' (unionlib) 1.19.2- requires any version of forgeconfigapiport, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wizards' (wizards) 0.9.17+1.19 requires any version of geckolib3, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wizards' (wizards) 0.9.17+1.19 requires version 0.9.21+1.19 or later of spell_engine, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wizards' (wizards) 0.9.17+1.19 requires version 0.9.8+1.19 or later of runes, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wormhole (Portals)' (wormhole) 1.1.13 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wormhole (Portals)' (wormhole) 1.1.13 requires any version between 1.1.0 (inclusive) and 1.2.0 (exclusive) of supermartijn642corelib, which is missing!
- Mod 'Wormhole (Portals)' (wormhole) 1.1.13 requires version 1.1.0 or later of supermartijn642configlib, which is missing!
- Mod 'Projectile Damage Attribute' (projectile_damage) 3.2.1+1.19 requires any version of fabric, which is missing!
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FormattedException.ofLocalized(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.FabricLoaderImpl.load(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.init(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(
라고 뜨는데 뭔뜻인가요? 무슨 모드를 다운로드 해야 한다는 것 같은데..
혹시 되시면 모드 링크주시면 감사하겠습니다.
2023.08.19모드를 맞는 버전으로 다시 설치하세욘
2023.08.19전부 다 버전 맞습니다
2023.08.19마크 버전이 아니.모드 버전을 밀씀히시는거같아요!
2023.08.19전부 다 버전 맞아요 제가 확인도 했어요
2023.08.19혹시 mods폴더 좀 보여주실수 있으신가요?!
2023.08.19혹시 모드들하고 패브릭 버전이 안맞아서 그런걸까요?
2023.08.19패브릭은 몆 버전인가용?
2023. 인것 같은데요?
2023.08.19최신 패브릭 까시고
이거 다 까시면 될거같아용
2023.08.20말대로 해서 실행이 잘 됐는데요, 이 모드 그대로 페더클에서 서버가 열리나요?
2023.08.20클라이언트 모드만 잘 빼신다면 가능할거 같슴다!
2023.08.24덕분에 됐습니다! 감사합니당!
2023.08.19라이브러리 다 빠졌습니다. 내용을 보면서 모드를 하냐씩 넣어주세요.
2023.08.19라이브러리가 뭔가요? 라이브러리가 필수로 같이 들어가야 되는 모드들을 칭하는 건가요?
2023.08.19만약에 라이브러리 이런거는 어디서 다운로드 하나요? 그냥 모드 받는데에서 받으면 되나요?