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Profile UmGilduk 대표칭호 없음

질문하기 플러그인

Superior Skyblock2 를 쓸려고 하는데..

2023.10.03 조회 수 75 추천 수 0
이해도 입문자 
게임버전 (JE) 1.19.3 
게임버전 (BE) 1.19.x 

superior skyblock2 플러그인을 기용해서 넣을때마다  버킷에선 럭펌 오류 뜨고, 서버가 계속 닫히는데 혹시 전문가분 계실까요 ㅠㅠ

[LuckPerms] Disabling LuckPerms v5.4.104

 [LuckPerms] Starting shutdown process...

 [LuckPerms] Closing storage...

 [LuckPerms] Goodbye!

Nag author: 'Zenexer' of 'Essentials' about the following: This plugin is not properly shutting down its async tasks when it is being shut down. This task may throw errors during the final shutdown logs and might not complete before process dies.

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