게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
g minecraft:item#94131, new: minecraft:item#94153
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID d9a6b8e1-a87b-4476-9545-7455f7605d9a. Existing minecraft:item#94132, new: minecraft:item#94154
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 6b77dfa1-0830-4ca3-bac8-51735427917e. Existing minecraft:item#94133, new: minecraft:item#94155
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 0770845d-0f8b-494e-9af9-641ac3dc0785. Existing minecraft:item#94134, new: minecraft:item#94156
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 2b1b05e1-101f-4855-805c-b017e91f7364. Existing minecraft:item#94135, new: minecraft:item#94157
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 9ced838b-d4a3-4270-9ae2-4bc7459e76a7. Existing minecraft:item#94136, new: minecraft:item#94158
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 5a772c40-088c-4d9c-92b8-2d039e0efddf. Existing minecraft:item#94137, new: minecraft:item#94159
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 8ad24796-31cb-49de-9362-efdcc1b9dcc5. Existing minecraft:item#94138, new: minecraft:item#94160
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 5fb4bedb-0e8b-4c43-a830-a2b328385751. Existing minecraft:item#94139, new: minecraft:item#94161
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID f1997e03-e023-4d7d-ab4b-643bd6b2a96f. Existing minecraft:item#94140, new: minecraft:item#94162
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 3e7c7cc3-d0ec-4ff8-a53d-6d556c1fbb4f. Existing minecraft:item#94141, new: minecraft:item#94163
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 9f0cc6dc-604e-4e1d-916a-81163e8022b5. Existing minecraft:item#94142, new: minecraft:item#94164
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 2e94d691-4e9b-4044-9c56-e70fd2bf7cc7. Existing minecraft:item#94143, new: minecraft:item#94165
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID 7c537d02-f3ee-410b-82af-47f7fd4938be. Existing minecraft:item#94144, new: minecraft:item#94166
[20:21:41] [Server thread/WARN]: Trying to add entity with duplicated UUID a8381728-06d1-403f-adcd-2d14f4a8c257. Existing minecraft:item#94145, new: minecraft:item#94167
이거 해결하는 방법 없음?
2023.10.16서버 버전이 업그레이드 되었거나 맵 버전이 바뀌거나 하셨나요?
2023.10.16아 버전이 달라지긴했는데 그렇게 되면 어케해야하나요?