이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.16.5 |
게임버전 (BE) | 1.16.x |
on inventory click:
if iname contains "&6주식목록":
if clicked raw slot is between 10 and 16:
cancel event
loop {주식::목록::*}:
if name of clicked item contains loop-index:
if click type is right mouse button:
if {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수} >= 1:
if player has space for 1 of loop-value named loop-index:
if {돈.%uuid of player%} >= {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}:
subtract 1 from {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수}
subtract {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가} from {돈.%uuid of player%}
give player 1 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%"
if click type is right mouse button with shift:
if {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수} >= 10:
if player has space for 10 of loop-value named loop-index:
if {돈.%uuid of player%} >= {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}*10:
subtract 10 from {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수}
subtract {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}*10 from {돈.%uuid of player%}
give player 10 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%"
if click type is left mouse button:
if player has 1 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%":
add 1 to {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수}
add {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가} to {돈.%uuid of player%}
remove 1 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%" from player's inventory
if click type is left mouse button with shift:
if player has 10 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%":
add 10 to {주식::목록::%loop-index%::현재갯수}
add {주식::목록::%loop-index%::매매가}*10 to {돈.%uuid of player%}
remove 10 of loop-value named "&6%loop-index%" from player's inventory
cancel event
if iname contains "&6주식목록": 부분이 에러 뜨면서 밑에 처럼 에러가 뜨는데 어떻게 해야하나요?
2023.11.08if iname contains는 1.13+ 버전에서는 사용이 불사능 합니다
2023.11.08그럼 어떻게 해야하나요?
2023.11.08if name of event-inventory is 로 변경해두세요