hifn 4b8a8f37918540f4bc26f0d86037a93d
이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.20.1 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
on inventory click:
if inventory name is "제작대":
cancel event
if clicked raw slot is 10:
if {제작법회복약.%player%} = 1:
close player's inventory
set {_loc} to location of player
send title "&e■■■■■■■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■&e■■■■■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■&e■■■■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■&e■■■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■&e■■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■■&e■■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■■■&e■■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■■■■&e■■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■■■■■&e■■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
wait 0.1 seconds
send title "&a■■■■■■■■■&e■" with subtitle "&e[&d회복약&e]" to player for 1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
계속 타이틀이 깜빡거립니다. 고칠수 없을까요..?
2023.12.07for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks
2023.12.07계속 깜빡 거립니다...
2023.12.07아마도 타이틀이 뜨는 시간을 없애야 할 것 같은데 어떻게 없애는지 모르겠어요
2023.12.07어.. 그게 "for 0.1 seconds and 0 ticks and 0 ticks" 인데
2023.12.07어 마크 게임자체 타이틀 속도를 따라가는걸 확인했습니다
2023.12.08수정본 코드 다시 보내주세요
2023.12.08저게 fadeout 시간을 0으로 하면은 왜인지는 모르겠는게 깜박거리더라구요
fadeout을 한 5틱?쯤 주고 나중에 타이틀 끝날 때 빈 문자열 보내는게 가장 편합니다.
2023.12.09마크 기본 명령어 타이틀로 시간을 0으로 설정하니 깜박거림이 사라져서 코드 변환은 없습니다