이해도 | 입문자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.16.5 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
on region enter:
if {sound::%player%::region} is not set:
set {sound::%player%::region} to "map"
play sound "custom.mapbgm" with volume 5 and pitch 1 at player for player
else if {sound::%player%::region} is not "map":
stop sound "custom.worldbgm" for player
play sound "custom.mapbgm" with volume 5 and pitch 1 at player for player
set {sound::%player%::region} to "map"
on region exit:
if {sound::%player%::region} is "map":
stop sound "custom.mapbgm" for player
delete {sound::%player%::region}
이 구문에 있는 것과
on region enter:
if {sound::%player%::region} is not set:
set {sound::%player%::region} to "world"
play sound "custom.worldbgm" with volume 5 and pitch 1 at player for player
else if {sound::%player%::region} != "world":
stop sound "custom.mapbgm" for player
play sound "custom.worldbgm" with volume 5 and pitch 1 at player for player
set {sound::%player%::region} to "world"
on region exit:
if {sound::%player%::region} is "world":
stop sound "custom.worldbgm" for player
delete {sound::%player%::region}
이 구문에 있는 bgm을 합쳐서,map구역에 가면 mapbgm이 나오고, map구역에서world구역에 가면 worldbgm이 나오게 하고 싶습니다..
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