gongbaek04 2b816a5b5b4c41cf9c7fd4bce3827fe1
이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 관련없음 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
on damage:
if attacker is player:
if attacker's tool is book named "&4&l감옥보내기" with lore "&f때린 플레이어를 감옥으로 보냅니다.":
cancel event
set {감옥번호} to random integer between 1 and 8
if {감옥번호} is 1:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 163 46 620"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 2:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 156 46 635"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 3:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 139 46 636"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 4:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 122 46 620"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 5:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 123 46 613"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 6:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 131 46 597"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 7:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 148 46 595"
wait 3 ticks
deop victim
if {감옥번호} is 8:
op victim
execute victim command "/로비"
execute console command "/tp %victim% 163 46 603"
wait 1 ticks
deop victim
여기서 damage 구문이 아닌 플레이어가 바라보는 방향의 플레이어를 인식하고 싶은데 어떻게 해야할까요??
감옥 보내기권 우클릭 했을때 바라보는 플레이어를 감옥으로 보내게 하고싶은데 방법이 있을까요
2024.02.17타겟 or 레이트레이싱
2024.02.17Target은 활이나 삼지창같은거에만 해당되는거 아닌가요?? 플레이어가 바라보고있는 상대를 지정할수있나요?