@@click type is left mouse button
@@set {_prefixname} to name of clicked slot
@@if {prefix::%uuid of player%} is {_prefixname}:
@@@send "{@p}이미 장착중인 칭호입니다."
@@@play sound "block.note_block.bass" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
@@set {prefix::%uuid of player%} to {_prefixname}
@@execute console command "/tab player %player% abovename %{prefix::%uuid of player%}%"
@@send "{@p}%{prefix::%uuid of player%}% 칭호를 성공적으로 장착하였습니다."
@@play sound "ui.button.click" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to player
@@openprefix(player, {_page})
prefix가 admin인 상태로 칭호 적용을 했을때 user로 변경됩니다.. 근데 /tab reload 치면 prefix가 다시 원래대로 돌아와요 해결법 아시는분 계실까요