대표칭호 없음
이해도 | 입문자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.19.3 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
페이퍼, playit에서 받아와서 쓰고있습니다
시작 한 지 2주정도 된 것 같은데 친구만 매일 같은시간 19시-23시 계속 벽에 찡겨있다가 튕기고 반복합니다
제가 만들어서 그런가 저는 괜찮은데
또 그 시간이 지나면 다 괜찮아집니다... 혹시 해결방법이 있을까요
InternelException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset 이렇게 떠요
2024.03.20문제가 발생한 클라이언트의 로그 파일을 첨부해주세욘
2024.03.21내일 저 시간에 다시 볼게요 지금은 잘 작동해서.. ㅠㅠ 감사합니다
2024.03.21[20:05:07 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:07 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:07 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:10 INFO]: got new client: NewClient{connectAddr=, peerAddr=, claimAddress=, claimToken=[44, 0, 60, -47, 25, -114, -75, 118, -25, 123, -57, 109, -92, -27, -88, -122, 43, 57, 10, -85, 8, 101, -4, 20, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 40, 119, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, -1, 52, -10, 10, -85, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, -50, 33, -72, -6, 110, -7, 97, 68, -36, 22, -29, 106, 23, -20, -50, 14], tunnelServerId=1, dataCenterId=16}
[20:05:10 INFO]: starting tcp tunnel for client
[20:05:10 INFO]: start connection to / to claim client
[20:05:10 INFO]: connected to tunnel server, sending claim token
[20:05:10 INFO]: claim token sent
[20:05:10 INFO]: connection to tunnel server has been established
[20:05:10 INFO]: Reflect: ReflectionHelper{ServerConnection=class net.minecraft.server.network.ServerConnection, LegacyPingHandler=class net.minecraft.server.network.LegacyPingHandler, MinecraftServer=class net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer, PacketSplitter=class net.minecraft.network.PacketSplitter, PacketDecoder=class net.minecraft.network.PacketDecoder, EnumProtocolDirection=class net.minecraft.network.protocol.EnumProtocolDirection, PacketPrepender=class net.minecraft.network.PacketPrepender, PacketEncoder=class net.minecraft.network.PacketEncoder, NetworkManagerServer=class net.minecraft.network.NetworkManagerServer, NetworkManager=class net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager, HandshakeListener=class net.minecraft.server.network.HandshakeListener, PacketListener=interface net.minecraft.network.PacketListener, CraftServer=null}
[20:05:10 INFO]: failed to get Minecraft server from Bukkit.getServer()
[20:05:10 INFO]: connecting to minecraft server at localhost/
[20:05:10 INFO]: connected to local minecraft server
[20:05:11 INFO]: UUID of player Suyaho is 4b9b4607-ac4a-4855-b384-ae058da4fdd9
[20:05:11 INFO]: eSuyaho joined the game
[20:05:11 INFO]: Suyaho[/] logged in with entity id 25420 at ([world]-214.0167760401949, 80.79541043300718, -1252.7620746173186)
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
[20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel
저 [20:05:36 WARN]: failed to send data to tunnel 이게 계속 나와요 ...
2024.03.22죄송해요 제가 너무 뉴비라 어디서 따와야하는 지 모르겠어요.... ㅠㅠ
원래 cmd 창도 켜졌었는데 지금은 페이퍼 이거만 켜져서...
2024.03.22그냥 캡쳐해서 올리면 되나요??