이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 관련없음 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
스크립트 버전 | 2.9.1 |
스크립트 애드온 | skllett, skquery, skrayfall |
이 스크립트가 상점 스크립트인데 돈 말고 에메랄드로 살 수 있게 바 꿀 수 있나여ㅕ
command /shop:
open chest with 6 row named "&a&lSHOP" to player
play sound "minecraft:block.note_block.bell" with volume 1 and pitch 1.5 to the player
set {_slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to black stained glass pane
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot 0 of current inventory of player to bread with lore "&b&lprice : 100 coins"
set slot 1 of current inventory of player to apple with lore "&b&lprice : 45 coins"
on inventory click:
if inventory name is "&a&lSHOP":
cancel event
if click type is left mouse button:
if click raw slot is smaller than 54:
set {_lore} to uncolored line 1 of lore of clicked item
replace all "price " and ":" and " " and "coins" with "" in {_lore}
set {_lore} to {_lore} parsed as integer
if {%uuid of player%.coin} is smaller than {_lore}:
send actionbar "&c&lThere are not enough coins" to player
play sound "minecraft:block.note_block.bass" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
set {_item} to clicked item
delete lore of {_item}
if player has enough space for {_item}:
give {_item} to player
subtract {_lore} from {%uuid of player%.coins}
play sound "minecraft:block.note_block.bell" with volume 1 and pitch 0.5 to the player
send actionbar "&c&lThere is not enough space in the inventory" to player
play sound "minecraft:block.note_block.bass" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to the player
2024.08.21set {_item} to 5 of emerald
if player has {_item}:
@remove 5 of emerald
@give diamond to player
@send "에메랄드 %amount of {_item}%개가 필요합니다" to player
를 응용하세요