게임버전 (JE) | 1.20.1 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
이게 로그 내용이고요.
제가 궁금한 부분이 있어 따로 첨부하여 올립니다.
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': ARMADILLO
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': BOGGED
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': BREEZE
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': MOOSHROOM
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': SNOW_GOLEM
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: All existing entity type names can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
[12:41:28 INFO]: [Shopkeepers] Loading language file: language-en-default.yml
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': ARMADILLO
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': BOGGED
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': BREEZE
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': MOOSHROOM
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: Invalid living entity type name in 'enabled-living-shops': SNOW_GOLEM
[12:41:28 WARN]: [Shopkeepers] Config: All existing entity type names can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
첫번째는 "MCpet" 관련인데 번역해보고 싸이트도 들어가봐도 잘 모르겠네요ㅠ
[12:42:55 INFO]: [Skript] No scripts were found, maybe you should write some ;)
[12:42:55 INFO]: [Skript] Finished loading.
[12:42:55 INFO]: [ModelEngine] [A]
[12:42:55 INFO]: [ModelEngine] [A] Importing dragon_arrow.bbmodel.
[12:42:55 WARN]: [ModelEngine] [A] --Warning: Missing hitbox.
[12:42:55 INFO]: [ModelEngine] [A]
[12:42:55 INFO]: [ModelEngine] [A] Importing explosive_seed.bbmodel.
[12:42:55 WARN]: [ModelEngine] [A] --Warning: Missing hitbox.
[12:42:55 INFO]: [ModelEngine] [A] Importing fx_arctic_charge.bbmodel.
[12:42:55 WARN]: [ModelEngine] [A] --Warning: Missing hitbox.
두번째는 "ModelEngine" 관련인데 "Warning: Missing hitbox." 이게 많이 뜨는 내용입니다.
이게 왜 뜨는거죠?ㅠ 내용 다 찾아서 다시 덮어씌우기하고 "/meg reload"해도 뜨네요ㅠ
뭐가 문제인지 잘 모르겠습니다ㅠㅠ
2024.08.25오류 메세지가 아니고 경고 같습니다 error 만 아니면 상관 없어용
서버 열리는거에 문제 없으면 무시 하셔도 될것 같은데용?
2024.08.25두번째꺼는 저런것들로 인해 스킬이 보이지가 않아서요ㅠㅠ 첫번째껀 덮어씌우기만하고 아무것도 건든부분이 없어서 메세지가 뜨면 안되는것같은데, 어떤 조치가 필요한지 궁금해서요