스펠에 쿨타임을
spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
cooldown: 10
cast-item: 훅의_검
- sneaking denied
- 훅의_검기
str-on-cooldown: "&f[&e훅의 검기&f] 쿨타임이 &e%c초&f 남았습니다"
이런식으로 넣었는데 쿨타임이 없고 서버구동기에서 Cooldown: 10.0 라고 떠서 인식 되는것 같기도 한데
10초가 아니라 0.5마다 써지네요.. 그래서 이곳저곳 찾다가 general 에서 ops ignore cd: false도 해보고 global cd: 500을 보며
왜 0.5초마다 써지는 지는 알겠는데.. 스펠 각각의 쿨타임을 지정을 하는 방법은 도저히 모르겠습니다..ㅠㅠ
debug: false
debug-level: 3
enable-error-logging: true
enable-stat-collection: true
enable-volatile-features: true
enable-tab-completion: true
str-cast-usage: |
Usage: /cast <spell>.
Use /cast list to see a list of spells.
str-unknown-spell: You do not know a spell with that name.
str-spell-change: You are now using the %s spell.
str-spell-change-empty: You are no longer using a spell.
str-on-cooldown: That spell is on cooldown (%c seconds remaining).
str-missing-reagents: You do not have the required reagents for that spell.
str-cant-cast: You can't cast that spell right now.
str-wrong-world: You cannot cast that spell here.
str-console-name: Admin
text-color: 3
broadcast-range: 20
spell-icon-slot: -1
separate-player-spells-per-world: false
allow-cycle-to-no-spell: false
always-show-message-on-cycle: false
only-cycle-to-castable-spells: true
allow-cast-with-fist: false
cast-with-left-click: true
cast-with-right-click: false
ops-have-all-spells: true
ops-ignore-reagents: true
ops-ignore-cooldowns: false
ops-ignore-cast-times: true
default-all-perms-false: false
ignore-default-bindings: false
ignore-cast-item-enchants: true
ignore-cast-item-names: false
ignore-cast-item-durability: [ 268, 269, 270, 271, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 294, 314, 315, 316, 317 ]
los-transparent-blocks: [ 0, 27, 28, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 51, 55, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 93, 94, 106, 111 ]
global-cooldown: 500
check-world-pvp-flag: true
cast-on-animate: false
use-exp-bar-as-cast-time-bar: true
cooldowns-persist-through-reload: true
Magicspells폴더에서 cooldowns라는 문서가 있는데 그것도 빈 문서라서 존재 의미를 모르겠네요..
스펠 각각의 쿨타임 적용하는 방법 아시면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다...ㅠ-ㅠ
(다른분들이 배포해주시는 스펠도 쿨타임이 적용안되네요..)
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