플랫폼 | 자바 에디션 (JE) |
오랜만입니다, 여러분! 해탈한 스라입니다.
왜 해탈했냐구요? 다들 아시면서...
슈퍼파워의 가호와 함께하는 마인크래프트 개발자들이 스냅샷을 연달아 출시하는 중인데요,
저 스라와 함께 마인크래프트 1.12에 한발짝 더 다가선 17년 18주차 스냅샷의 체인지로그를 만나보시죠!
마인크래프트 스냅샷
1.12에 한 걸음 다가섰어요!
우리 개발진은 마인크래프트 1.12 출시를 앞두고 있습니다. 이번 주 스냅샷에는 더욱 많은 버그 수정과 몇몇 기능의 최적화, 그리고 두 개의 새로운 발전 과제가 생겼습니다.
스냅샷 17w18b에서 변경된 점
- "농사" 탭을 포함한 새로운 발전 과제 몇 가지를 추가했습니다.
- 어느 환경에서든지 네레이터가 작동하게 만들었습니다 (리눅스에서는 flite를 설치해야 작동합니다)
- 기술적인 면: Added new advancement triggers "consume_item", "placed_block", "arbitrary_player_tick" (only one player runs it per tick)
- MC-114930 버그 수정 - 네레이터가 작동하지 않던 점
- MC-115838 버그 수정 - 하얀색 침대의 제작법에 검은색 점이 있던 점
- MC-116746 버그 수정 - @s 선택기가 dx/dy/dz 값을 무시하던 점
- MC-116821 버그 수정 - doLimitedCrafting 게임규칙이 작동하지 않던 점
- MC-116940 버그 수정 - Client/server disagreement when using a knowledge book with invalid recipes
- MC-116950 버그 수정 - Cannot place buttons, levers, torches... on barrier blocks
- MC-116953 버그 수정 - A single horse is considered tamed multiple times in a row
- MC-116974 버그 수정 - Can place block-dependent blocks on glassy blocks or leaves
- MC-116976 버그 수정 - Shulker box duplication when placed below lever
- MC-116985 버그 수정 - Buttons and levers can't be placed on the sides of corner stairs
- 새로운 버그도 조금 넣었습니다!
Changes in snapshot 17w18a
- 동물을 길들이고 먹이는 종류의 새로운 발전 과제를 추가했습니다
- 많은 단어가 추가된 네레이터는 이제 더 많은 사람들을 위해 작동될 것입니다
- 공중 부양 발전 과제의 달성 조건을 '50 블록 위'로 바꾸었습니다
- Changed the sniper duel advancement to horizontal distance
- Re-introduced announcements to chat when someone earns an achievement
- Added new gamerule "announceAdvancements", defaults to true
- Changed some map colours around again
- Added a new /reload command to reload advancements & loot tables from disk
- Technical: Some optimisations to the recipe book
- Technical: Optimized error conditions in command blocks
- Technical: Added "tick" and "tame_animal" advancement triggers
- Technical: Distance predicates in advancements now support: x, y, z, horizontal and absolute distance checking
- Technical: Added "announce_to_chat" and "show_toast" booleans to the display info for advancements (both default true)
- Technical: Advancement loading is now strict json
- Fixed bug MC-113374 - Map colour palette changed (brown shade?)
- Fixed bug MC-114966 - Advancements overlap other advancements
- Fixed bug MC-115025 - Clicking on recipe or on book to close crafting help additionally clicks in inventory
- Fixed bug MC-115323 - Parrots spawn rarely in Jungle
- Fixed bug MC-115577 - Parrot play the flapping wings(fly) sound, when player push it
- Fixed bug MC-115774 - Parrots still make sounds when they are on player shoulder and Silent:1b
- Fixed bug MC-115810 - Custom resourcepack added sounds not playing
- Fixed bug MC-115902 - Flying parrots will not avoid lava
- Fixed bug MC-116482 - The server.properties file still has announce-player-achievements
- Fixed bug MC-116498 - You can't place ladders on the back of stairs
- Fixed bug MC-116515 - Placing a torch on a wall with a fence gate underneath causes crash
- Fixed bug MC-116534 - Pressing "Showing craftable" sometimes doesn't show any recipes
- Fixed bug MC-116537 - Stopping jukebox music while a sitting parrot is dancing occasionally causes the parrot's entire upper body to be misplaced.
- Fixed bug MC-116574 - "showing craftable" option has several issues
- Fixed bug MC-116586 - Items in crafting grid disappear if the inventory is not properly closed
- Fixed bug MC-116670 - No toast is shown for first advancement made
- Fixed bug MC-116675 - Debug messages are printed in log when levitating
- Fixed bug MC-116713 - Creating new world with same name crashes with NullPointerException
- Added some new bugs!
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com. If nobody reports a bug, we can't fix it!
To get snapshots, open your launcher and go to the "launch options" tab. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the snapshot and normal version, you can find a new dropdow menu next to the "Play" button. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (In the "launch options" page).
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
크로스 플랫폼 서버 jar:
버그를 제보해주세요:
소식 작성: 스라플라이 ([email protected])
참고: 번역 작업은 금방 완료될 예정입니다. 조금만 기다려주세요.
2017.05.05워후! 다시 돌아오셨군요!
멋진 업데이트 소식 기대할게요
2017.05.111.12-pre5도 출시가 됬네요.